Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact John or Shane on the phone numbers you have been provided.
There is no obligation to do business with Capitl.

The purpose of your appointment is to analyse your motivations, concerns and specific financial goals and how you may be able to achieve them. You will receive enough information on the day to make an informed decision as to whether you can benefit from our strategies.
Property investment is not a 'cure all', when you understand your financial options clearer you can make better informed decisions.

Working with Capitl, we give you the ability to source all the information and make those better decisions that may help you control your financial future.
At Capitl we do not charge any fees for our service.
Yes, we do require that both parties be present to discuss any financial matters.
During the appointment it will be clearly explained what's required for the next step to become a Capitl client.
All Clients are supported by our Client Review Management Program, our network of professionals will ensure you receive all the support that you need during our association.
All the consultants are fully qualified under the relevant legislations.